Monday, April 16, 2007

101 Things in 1001 Days

My list starts April 17, 2007 and ends January 12, 2009.

  1. Finish this list. 4/19/07
  2. Finish Addie's quilt.
  3. Finish Rylic's blanket. FAILED
  4. Finish Mom's quilt.
  5. Finish the ripple afghan.
  6. Make Riley's stocking.
  7. Organize crafty stuff.
  8. Visit Wonderland Cave.
  9. Visit Hot Springs, SD.
  10. Visit Muerta (her place or mine!)
  11. Go camping.
  12. Go hiking at least 6 times. (twice)
  13. Cabin weekend with the girls.
  14. Cabin weekend with Mike, and NO MONKEY!
  15. Cabin weekend with Mike AND the monkey.
  16. Go out on the boat.
  17. Take a vacation that is NOT to visit family.
  18. Go see REAL mountains.
  19. Leave the country.
  20. Go to an amusement park.
  21. Go to an art museum.
  22. Go to the train station in downtown Omaha.
  23. See the ocean.
  24. Go ice skating.
  25. Go sledding.
  26. Ride a snowmobile.
  27. Build a snowman.
  28. Go to the Omaha zoo.
  29. Go to a Minnesota Twins game.
  30. Do the Volksmarch at least once.
  31. Go to the Mall of America.
  32. Go to Alabama/Tennessee twice. (first visit completed June 2007)
  33. Go to the Cosmos.
  34. Fill out the Monkey's baby book.
  35. Get pregnant.
  36. Cultivate my relationship with my family.
  37. Start a regular date night.
  38. Form some kind of women's group that meets on a regular basis.
  39. Join a real life bookclub.
  40. Finish the Dystopian Challenge.FAILED
  41. Finish the Southern Reading Challenge 2007. FAILED
  42. Finish the TBR Challenge 2007. FAILED
  43. Finish the Newberry Challenge. FAILED
  44. Read one giant Russian classic.
  45. Read The Little Prince out loud to the Monkey.
  46. Read Shel Silverstein out loud to the Monkey. (he was not impressed)
  47. Re-read the last 2 Harry Potter novels, before HP7 comes out.
  48. Read an average of one book a week. (Completed for 2007)
  49. Memorize a poem.
  50. Listen to the blues at BBKings nightclub.
  51. Buy shelves for books.
  52. Buy an Italian for Dummies book (or something similar).
  53. Finish the fence.
  54. Build a backyard playground for the Monkey. May 2007
  55. Plant some flowers.
  56. Repaint/stain the decks.
  57. Finish replacing the baseboard
  58. Organize the hall closet.
  59. Replace the light fixture in my bathroom.
  60. Repaint the boys' bathroom.
  61. Replace the bathtub.
  62. Replace the light fixture in the basement entry.
  63. Replace or repair the window screens so that the cats can't push them out.
  64. Set up a sewing area in the basement.
  65. Get rid of the computer desks.
  66. Do something with all the old computer parts.
  67. Shampoo the carpets.
  68. Purge my clothing.
  69. Replace the desk in the bedroom with a smaller piece of furniture.
  70. Pay off the furniture. June 2007
  71. Pay off the Jeep.
  72. Pay off my credit card.
  73. Increase my 401K deposit.
  74. Get contacts. May 2007
  75. Get sunglasses. May 2007
  76. Get a pedicure. 6/11/07
  77. Get a massage.
  78. Get a tattoo.
  79. Have my charms added to a bracelet.
  80. Take Scout to doggie school.
  81. Make a will.
  82. Make a living will.
  83. Make a budget.
  84. Update beneficiaries on all bank accounts.
  85. Update cell phone plan with married name.
  86. Get passports for all three of us.
  87. Shred everything that needs to be shredded.
  88. File everything that needs to be filed.
  89. Open a savings account at a different bank or credit union.
  90. Learn how to start and maintain a compost bin. (I learned. I don't want to.)
  91. Drink 32 oz of water a day every day for one month.
  92. Give up fast food for one month.
  93. Go to the dentist.
  94. Host a dinner party in my home for non-family members.
  95. Buy the perfect black heels. 6/7/07
  96. Wear a skirt or dress every day for one week. June 24, 2007
  97. Buy a treadmill.
  98. Spend an entire day in bed, in pajamas, with a pile of books.
  99. Actually mail every gift I buy for someone else.
  100. Send a birthday card to everyone on my list, on time. FAILED
  101. Donate $5 to charity for every item not crossed off this list on January 12, 2009.

Here's the info from Triplux.

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.


Megan said...

Hi Lisa!
Just thought I would check in and see how you are doing with the stuff on your list. Don't see anything new crossed off yet. LOL. You should move pedicure to the top of the list and get that done immediately. It is great that you decided to do this.

You should consider crafting with all the old computer parts if they are no longer usable. :)


P.S. Some computer recycling ideas for you.

Thomas Hogglestock said...


This is a great idea. The only thin I love more than a list is crossing things off of a list. You have inspired me to do 40 by 40. Forty things to do before I turn 40 in August 2009.

However, I couldn't help but notice that you got your dates wrong. You actually have until January 2010 to finish you list! A whole extra year.